2025 Stream Wise Assessments
The MRBA has is pleased to be offering Stream Wise assessments to upper Missisquoi watershed Franklin and Orleans Co property owners that live along rivers and streams. We are partnering with the Lake Champlain Basin Program and other watershed organizations to help streamside property owners improve stream stewardship and protect water quality. During a Stream Wise assessment, a MRBA Staff member will walk your stream or river during a site visit and give an overview of the perceived health of the water, the surrounding landscape, and provide recommendations of land management practices that protect water quality. This service is FREE and gives MRBA Staff a chance to walk your property to give potential solutions for water issues and improving stream health on your property!
You can learn more about the Stream Wise Program, and schedule a MRBA Stream Wise Assessment by clicking the buttons below!
"Stream Wise engages streamside property owners in the Lake Champlain basin to enhance and protect vegetated stream buffers, increasing flood resiliency and benefiting water quality and natural habitat."